Gov. Larry Hogan announced today an additional $60 million for school construction in Baltimore.
The money will come through the Maryland Stadium Authority’s (MSA) 21st Century School Buildings program, a partnership between the MSA, Baltimore City Public Schools, the city of Baltimore, and the Interagency Commission on Public School Construction (IAC). The MSA is scheduled to build 28 buildings that will host 32 schools. The original projections had 28 buildings to 23 schools.
Hogan said in a statement that the MSA has built 15 modernized buildings approximately 5 percent under budget and are collaborate- and accessible-learning spaces equipped with enhanced technology. Nine additional schools are under construction, three are in design and one is completing the feasibility study phase.
The program will also promote local employment with 957 positions filled by city residents. It also will achieve a 33.4 percent minority business enterprise (MSE) goal in contracts awarded to minority and women owned businesses.
“Our most important obligation is to the next generation of Marylanders, and a key part of that is making sure our students are educated in facilities that are modern, safe, and efficient,” Hogan said in a statement.
The program is scheduled to be complete next year.
–Jordan Kendall