By Terrell McAlily
Baltimore Watchdog Staff Writer
Baltimore Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young said Tuesday the city is now prepared to provide a racial breakdown of coronavirus cases, which should halt rumors that African Americans are immune to the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.
“We have seen a 51% increase in confirmed COVID-19 cases here in Baltimore City,” Young reported. “As of this morning, the city has 962 reported cases, 217 people hospitalized with COVID-19 and 29 deaths.”
He stressed, “Everyone needs to stay home.”
Young announced last week the city launched a dashboard, which can be viewed online at coronavirus.baltimorecity.gov, to provide people with essential information to help keep residents informed.
The state of Maryland released a highly anticipated racial breakdown demographic onto the dashboard. Health Commissioner Letitia Dzirasa said that African Americans make up most COVID-19 cases in the Baltimore area, which is predominantly black.
“We also know that there is a higher rate of fatality in African Americans than in other populations in our state,” Dzirasa said.
The health commissioner noted that rumors are circulating that African Americans are immune to the virus. She stressed that the reporting system should help stop the falsehoods.
Residents should call 211 if they experience any virus symptoms, including coughing, fever, and shortness of breath. Residents without health insurance still should call 211 for information, Dzirasa said.